Where Is Edfinancial Services Located?

Are you wondering, “Where is Edfinancial Services located?” You’re not alone! Many students, parents, and borrowers ask this question themselves when it comes to student loans and financial aid. In this article, we will explore into where Edfinancial Services operates from, their operations, and why that matters to you.

But before we answer the burning question, “where is Edfinancial Services located?”, let’s talk about why it’s important to know:

  1. Accessibility of customer service
  2. Mailing significant papers
  3. Understanding operating hours
  4. Possibility of visiting one-on-one
Where Is Edfinancial Services Located?

Edfinancial Services Location

Edfinancial Services have most of its operations mainly in Knoxville Tennessee. This is where they have most of their central business activities taking place primarily; however it is not usually associated with their address for instance if someone asked you where Is edfinancial services located then here is your best reply:

Edfinancial Services
298 N. Seven Oaks Drive
Knoxville, TN 37922

This location houses the headquarters and a large number of the staff of Edfinancial services. But wait a minute; there is still more on “Where Is EdFinancial services located?

Additional Locations

Edfinancial has expanded its presence beyond its major hub in Knoxville so as to serve customers better than before. While asking “where is Edfinancial services located?” keep these additional localities in your mind:

  • Burlington, VT: It serves as a satellite office that offers some functions.
  • Indianapolis, IN: It has other offices which facilitate different roles.

It’s worth mentioning that these additional locations may perform different functions within the organization unlike the major office whose exact addresses are not as widely publicized as those at Knoxville but contribute towards overall operations of Edfinancial Services.

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Why Does Location Matter?

Now that we’ve answered “Where is Edfinancial Services located?”, you might be asking why it matters. Here’s a breakdown:

Time Zones and Business Hours

Knowing where Edfinancial Services is located helps you understand their business hours. The main office in Knoxville operates in the Eastern Time Zone. This means:

  • Customer service hours are usually from 8:00 AM to 8:30 PM ET, Monday through Friday
  • They close on weekends and major holidays

When it comes to calling them about your student loans or financial aid, understanding these various times is vital.

Mailing Documents

Knowing where this company is located will come in handy when one requires sending essential documents to it. Always use the Knoxville address for mailing unless otherwise indicated:

Edfinancial Services
P.O. Box 36008
Knoxville, TN 37930-6008

Virtual Presence

In today’s digital era, you may be tempted to say “Where Is Edfinancial Services Located?” but no matter what its physical location counts notwithstanding which they also have a strong online presence too. You can access most of their services using their website and mobile app regardless of where you or they are based at.

Edfinancial Service’s Locations

For further details, let’s take a closer look at each of the locations of Edfinancial Services.

Knoxville, TN (Main Office)

Most often, when asked where is Edfinancial Services located? One would say that it is in Knoxville. In this office, you can get help with:

  • Customer care queries
  • Loan processing
  • Administrative tasks
  • Management and executive functions

Burlington, VT

It may be a bit difficult to say what exactly happens here but some people believe that it handles:

  • Specialized loan servicing tasks
  • Regional customer support services.
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Indianapolis, IN

The major functions likely carried out by the Indianapolis branch are:

  • Additional customer support services.
  • Specific operational jobs.

Contacting Edfinancial Services

Now that you know where Edfinancial Services is located, here are their contact details:

  1. Phone: 1-855-337-6884
  2. Email[email protected]
  3. Mail: P.O. Box 36008, Knoxville, TN 37930-6008
  4. Websitewww.edfinancial.com

When calling always keep in mind that they are in the same time zone as their main location in Knoxville Tennessee.

Future Directions for Edfinancial Service Locations

As we have answered the question “Where Is edfinancial services located?”, it might be worth considering future prospects. As we continue to make strides towards an evermore digital world, physical placement of financial service firms may cease being so important. Even so they still maintain physical presence to ensure comprehensive support to customers in need of assistance from them.

Potential Expansion

While no one can predict for certain whether or not new offices will open up elsewhere across the country down the road in response to an expanding clientele, you should always check their official website for the most recent information on their locations.

Why Edfinancial Services?

Finally let’s examine why people choose to do business with Edfinancial Services after thoroughly examining “Where is edfinancial services located?”:

  1. Experienced loan servicer
  2. Multiple contact options
  3. Online account management
  4. Repayment plan assistance
  5. Financial literacy resources


Lastly, in conclusion of our exploration in Where Is Edfinancial Services Located?, here’s a summary of the main points:

  • The main office is in Knoxville, Tennessee.
  • Other offices are situated in Burlington VT and Indianapolis IN.
  • Their major mail location is based in Knoxville.
  • They have an active online presence for virtual service delivery too.
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Knowing where Edfinancial services company can enhance your correspondence whether it involves items being mailed, customer support calls or even trying to figure out their hours of operation. You will be more than ready to give an extensive response if someone asks you “where is edfinancial services located?” So the next time somebody will ask you about the location of Edfinancial Services, you’ll know exactly what to say!

A Letter from Emily Taylor

Hey there! I'm Emily Taylor, your student loan buddy here at Edfinancial. Feeling stressed about student loans? No worries, it happens to a lot of people!

This website is your go-to place to understand your federal student loans. We offer easy-to-follow info to help you figure out your loans, pick the best repayment plan for you, and manage them smoothly.

In this space, I'll be your friendly guide as we work on your student loans together. We'll look at different repayment options, see if consolidation makes sense for you, and answer any questions you have.

So, relax and let's do this together! Get on track to pay off your loans and reach financial freedom with Edfinancial by your side.

Warm Regards,
Emily Taylor